Photo of Fabio Palumbo Spain

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1986 Studied at the College Advertising Advertising Dr.F.Ibos. 1997 1998 Studies of photography at the School of Creative Photography by Andy Goldstein. 1998 2001 Photography studies at the Institut dEstudis Fotogrfics de Catalunya. Group Exhibitions June 2007 Red Erotic Art Collective 03. Barcelona February 2006 American Supermarket Art Prints. Aeroport El Prat. Barcelona November 2005 -22 American Supermarket Art Prints....

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1986 Studied at the College Advertising Advertising Dr.F.Ibos. 1997 1998 Studies of photography at the School of Creative Photography by Andy Goldstein. 1998 2001 Photography studies at the Institut dEstudis Fotogrfics de Catalunya. Group Exhibitions June 2007 Red Erotic Art Collective 03. Barcelona February 2006 American Supermarket Art Prints. Aeroport El Prat. Barcelona November 2005 -22 American Supermarket Art Prints. Barcelona-Gallery DelicARTessen Montoriol Esther. Barcelona June 2004 Bou Sirloin Degustacidart. Barcelona December 2002 Degustacidart Bou Sirloin. Galera Cincmonos Barcelona in December 2000. Barcelona in September 2000 students Collective dEstudis Fotogrfics Institut de Catalunya Collective of students in September 1999 Institut de Catalunya dEstudis Solo Fotogrfics May / October 2007 Pola-Art / Ibiza Series. Hotel Rural Sa Portmany - Ibiza July 2007 Pola-Art / Ibiza Series. Gallery KM5 Ibiza. May / October 2006 Pola-Art / Ibiza Series. Hotel Rural Sa Portmany - Ibiza June 2006 Pola-Art / Ibiza Series. Farm AtzarHotel Ibiza. Pola-Art in March 2006 Series. The Exhibition Hall Cafeteria Anna Valls Castelldefels - Barcelona. August 2005 Pola-Art / Ibiza Series. The Hotel Ibiza. July 2005 Pola-Art / Ibiza Series. Gallery KM5 Ibiza. March 2005 Pola-Art Series Cultural Centre Collblanc-La Torrassa. LHospitalet - Barcelona, Spain May 2004 Artkaffee Pola-Art Galley. Barcelona, Spain March 2003 Images of Buenos Aires Tangofabrik. Leipzig, Germany in July 2002 Barcelona, explosion of lights / Images of Buenos Aires. Artkaffee Galera. Barcelona, Spain May 2000 Images of Buenos Aires Cincmonos Galera. Barcelona - Spain. Dressed as a Shadow April 2000 Autonomous University of Barcelona. Bellaterra-Barcelona-Spain

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